Project Description

cPanel LIVE was born out of a global shutdown due to the pandemic. The marketing team put countless hours into the industry recognized Cloudfest Conference and had to quickly pivot from an in-person event to online webinar. The streaming event was a success and the cPanel team continued to use this platform as a way to continue to communicate and connect with their end-users. My role within this project for each cPanel LIVE event was to create the initial concept design along with additional variations to stage multi-tiered releases across the social platforms. Each tier had a different user experience goal to keep our viewers engaged and excited for the events. Overall, the team hosted 8 webinars, and I was challenged to design each event with a slightly different look while remaining within the overall concept. I achieved this by playing with gradients and angles. For each event, I designed 3-4 social posts and ads for all social platforms, background images for transitional and streaming screens, and the cover graphics for each platform.